Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Trip to Colorado

We made our annual trip out to Colorado to see Collin, Greg and Abby and as expected had an awesome time! It was so much fun to watch Hampton and Abby play together...they got along (and shared!) very well.

On Saturday, Valentines Day, the wives were generous enough to let Eric and Greg head up to Winter Park for a day of skiing in great conditions. Collin and I stayed home and played with the kids and had a great time. On Sunday, Greg and Collin gave us an awesome day to ourselves and Eric and I took the ski train from downtown Denver to Winter Park to ski for the day...we hadn't skied together since Hampton's birth, so it was a real treat and the conditions were amazing! If you ever have the opportunity to take the ski train, do it. It's the easiest way to go and they have great food and a full bar. Good times.

Our camera wasn't working properly on this trip, but Collin took some great pics and we'll post those soon.