Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Three Year Anniversary

Today is our official three-year anniversary! It is amazing how quickly time flies...and now we have a beautiful son to celebrate with us. Lauren is going to babysit for us tonight as we venture out for the first night sans baby. We are going to Sorellina's - an acclaimed Italian restaurant in Back Bay that is owned by the same owners as Mistral (our old "favorite"). I plan to have my first glass of wine since I was pregnant to celebrate!

August 28, 2004
Wianno Club

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Vineyard

In celebration of our anniversary each year, we take a mini-vacation to Martha's Vineyard. This year, we celebrated our 3 year anniversary and Hampton came along for the fun. It was our first day being "out" all day with Hampton and we're happy to say that he did great. We caught the 710am Fast Ferry "Lady Martha" out of Hyannis into Oak Bluffs and then took the 415pm home.

Mom and Hampton on "Lady Martha".

Early morning in Oak Bluffs waiting for the bus to Edgartown.

At our favorite breakfast spot, "Among the Flowers", in Edgartown.

Hampton let us eat our breakfast in peace...he slept the whole time.

Edgartown Yacht Club - Eric spent some time racing here each summer as a kid.

We made a pit-stop to change and feed Hampton and caught him cracking a smile.

The lighthouse in the background was a favorite spot to "hang out" when Eric was on the Vineyard as a kid.

Hampton looking cool on a bench in Edgartown.

Heading back to Cape Cod Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Four Weeks Old!

Today is Hampton's one month birthday! We have had so much fun with him as we continue to get to know him and learn his every move. Eric started his new job at Ciber last week so he had two full weeks of daddy time with Hampton. And, I'm taking a three-month maternity leave so each day I learn something new about raising an infant. Deacon is also acclimated to our newest family member. However, if you come visit, he may jump on you or bring a toy to you...he still loves attention!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


We went to the Cape this past weekend and had a blast with Eric's relatives from his father's side of the family. Eric's Grandmother (Ron's mother) and Eric's aunts (Ron's 3 sisters), uncles and their children, the Lombards, Zlogars and Creightons were in town for a great weekend of fun playing in the pool, wiffle ball, basketball and golf. It was wonderful to be able to introduce Hampton to his Great- Grandmother (the wife of Hampton's name-sake) and all of his great aunts, uncles and his cousins. Believe it or not, he still has yet to meet the three Knight families on Eric's father's side (Ron's 3 brothers)!

Above is almost everyone! From back L to R: Eric, Ron, Madison Creighton, Marin, Hampton Knight, Linda, Kym Zlogar, Zoe Lombard, Paige Lombard, Sterling Lombard, Aunt Jeanette Creighton, Drew Zlogar, Griffin Creighton, Grandma Knight, Hampton Lombard, Jordan Zlogar, Aunt Susan Lombard, Quinn Lombard and Uncle Pat Zlogar. Missing in this picture from who was there this weekend is Aunt Cindy Zlogar and Aunt Debbie Hampton (Linda's sister aka Aunt Nanny).

Eric's Aunts, L to R: Susan, Jeannette and Cindy

Grandma having fun with the boys! Don't worry, they're candy cigarettes. L to R, Drew, Grandma, Sterling, Hampton, Jordan and Griffin

Yes, the Zlogars did not want us to forget that they're Yankee fans. L to R: Jordan, Cindy, Kym, Pat and Drew.

Grandma, Great Grandma and Mom with Hampton

We had a wedding Saturday on the beach at The Craigville Beach Club

Hampton in the Nantucket Bassinet that Grandma made for him

Friday, August 10, 2007

Auntie Collin Comes to Beantown!

Auntie Collin came to visit Hampton last Thursday - just in time for Hampton's one week "birthday". She spoiled Hampton rotten with adorable summer and fall clothes and she captured the entire weekend with her fantastic photography skills. She also spoiled us by making delicious meals for us to nibble on while she was gone (thanks, Karen Conaway for the baked spagetti dinner!). And, Deacon wasn't left out either - she brought our pooch a new ball and a treat from Denver. We managed to hit Newbury Street for a little bit o' shopping with Hampton and we also venutured to Magic Beans, our favorite kid store. We had a ball while she was in town and I was quite sad she had to leave. But, we're looking forward to planning a winter trip to Denver so Abby and Hampton can play together and meet the rest of the Conaways too. We sure missed Greg, Abby and Anne!

Collin and Hampton

We are on the Cape now for a little R&R. Great Grandma Knight, the Lombards, Creightons and Zlogars will all be visiting so Hampton can meet his extended family. More to come!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Yesterday was Grandpa Knight's birthday and in honor of celebrating his day, Hampton sent a note of love to the Cape. We were disappointed we couldn't celebrate in person but we're looking forward to a belated celebration on the Cape next weekend when Great-Grandma Knight and the Great Lombards (Great Aunt Susan, Jeff and Kids) are in town.