Between Halloween and the "Holiday Season", we've been going fast and furious! Plenty to update and I promise to do that this weekend ( New Year's resolution perhaps!). Amidst the economic roller coaster, we managed to sneak in some fun!
In November, we travelled to Wake for my 10-year reunion. We also had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend on the Cape with Eric's family. Here's a cute picture of HH enjoying the beach in November!
December came and went...we just returned home last night after a few sunny days at the other Cape (Cape Canaveral) where we celebrated Christmas! After juggling the stressors with work and the recession, we finally had a long overdue chance to relax. The weather was impeccable - mid-80s and perfect for Hampton to play with Gigi at the beach or in the pool!
Needless to say, the holiday spirit was geared around Hampton and spending time with family. I think that's what Christmas is all about anyway! We'll post some pictures (as promised above!) but until then...have a great NEW YEAR!
And, in the meantime, enjoy the picture of Hampton (and me) with Santa! All he could say was "Up! Up! Up!"....