We (Eric, Marin, Hampton, Grammy CC and Grandpa) all just returned for a trip south to visit Eric's Grandmother (Nana) in Georgia and Florida while Marin attended a conference that was held at the Ritz-Carlton on Amelia Island. It was Hampton's first time on the plane and we didn't hear a peep out of him on any of the flights. We were relieved that he took to it so well.
The first part of our trip took us about 2 hours northwest of Jackonsville, FL to the small city of Douglas, GA. Douglas is where Nana has lived for quite a while and is also where Aunt Debbie (aka Aunt Nanny) is from. It was great to see Nana and Bernie, especially because Eric has not been down to Douglas since he was about 12 years old. (We've been dragging Nana north to the cold weather for years!). We had a great time driving around Douglas and taking a look at the number of different properties that Nana and Bernie have invested in. The highlight of the day was heading down to the flea market and property they own. I cannot remember exactly how much acreage it is, but it is quite large!

Found this 1963 Georgia License plate hanging from an old barn on Nana's land

Here is the fam (Nana is to Eric's Left) at the Fox Hills house. This is where Nana was living when Eric last visited. She rents this house out now, with a fishing pond in the back yard, it's quite a great location!

Here is a picture of the land and flea markets that Nana and Bernie currently own and operate

This is "Barnyard BBQ". It's
incredible. The gentleman who owns this establishment rents the property from Nana and Bernie and runs this BBQ stand on the same land as the Flea Market. It's SO damn good.

Here is a picture of the old fire truck that Bernie and Nana own. It just sits on the property as an attraction/decortation, but Bernie said they've had it up and running!
After having a great time visiting Nana in Georgia, we headed down to Amelia Island, FL where Marin had her conference. Amelia Island is just on the border of Georgia and Florida and reminds us all a lot of Kiawah Island, SC. While Marin was hard at work (which included a massage and dinner at a 5 star restaurant) attending her conference, Grandma, Grammy CC Hampton and Eric enjoyed life at the Ritz and did some golfing, shopping and relaxing.

Nice hard sand for the stroller. A lot like the beaches in SC

Hampton's first time touching the sand on a beach in FL. He's done the Cape Cod thing already!

Grandpa, CC and Hampton

The Fam (minus Deacon)!