Monday, May 21, 2007

Newborn Essentials

Eric and I took our second baby preparedness class, "Newborn Essentials". Quite frankly, there was nothing better to do over this wet and cold weekend than to learn and reinforce our soon-to-be-tried parenting skills. Not only did we learn to sooth and swaddle, we also got a glimpse of what labor and delivery will bring. So, to all you moms out there - THANK YOU! I'm hoping the video opted to use extremely large children as part of a dramatization for the child birth. Those babies looked ginormous! And, to all you doctors out there - THANK YOU for inventing the epidural. I fully plan to support your medical advancement.

1 comment:

Kim in MN said...

You will fly thru labor----you have good genes!!!!! How big was Eric when he was born?