Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Before and After

The renovations are very near complete. The only things left to do are a few minor paint touch ups, install the knobs and pulls for the kitchen, replace some of the defective cabinet doors, install the glass surround in the master bathroom and install the kickboard in the kitchen.

Below I put together some "Before and Afters" for this particular renovation. I wish I could find some pictures of the house when we first moved in....the "Befores" in these shots are after some minor face-lifts. If I ever find the pictures of these rooms with all the wood pannelling, etc...I'll post them.

It's good to be back home! Hampton is very happy and Deacon is now back with us as well....though I think he misses Cody. We're done with renovations for a while....if not forever.

Before and after of the view when you walk in the front door of the home

Before and after of our kitchen. No more bathroom in the middle of the kitchen. It's amazing how much space it created just knocking out that bathroom and the chimney.

Before and after of where the fireplace is now. Behind that wall in the picture above is a covered up fireplace. It's been that way for a LONG time. We had to get creative with how we could continue to use that same chimney.

This is just a before and after of the view from the front of the house to the back on the first floor.

This entire wallis actually about 12" out from where it used to be, but we salvaged the old built in, installed a wine fridge below and made it into a bar.

The old bathroom and the (almost) finished new bathroom. There was a chimney behind that tub wall that we had to remove.

The door on the right down the hallway wasn't there before. It was actually inthe dining room that you see to the right and it was for a closet. We moved the door to the other side and made the closet into a half bath (below) so that we still had a bathroom on the first floor.


OConnellFamily said...

wow... we have to come check it out! Looks awesome!

The Palsa's said...

Your home looks SPECTACULAR! What a fabulous job you have done....and a beautiful vision you always had. I can't wait to see it in person, along with Hampton and sweet baby 2!