Tuesday, August 14, 2007


We went to the Cape this past weekend and had a blast with Eric's relatives from his father's side of the family. Eric's Grandmother (Ron's mother) and Eric's aunts (Ron's 3 sisters), uncles and their children, the Lombards, Zlogars and Creightons were in town for a great weekend of fun playing in the pool, wiffle ball, basketball and golf. It was wonderful to be able to introduce Hampton to his Great- Grandmother (the wife of Hampton's name-sake) and all of his great aunts, uncles and his cousins. Believe it or not, he still has yet to meet the three Knight families on Eric's father's side (Ron's 3 brothers)!

Above is almost everyone! From back L to R: Eric, Ron, Madison Creighton, Marin, Hampton Knight, Linda, Kym Zlogar, Zoe Lombard, Paige Lombard, Sterling Lombard, Aunt Jeanette Creighton, Drew Zlogar, Griffin Creighton, Grandma Knight, Hampton Lombard, Jordan Zlogar, Aunt Susan Lombard, Quinn Lombard and Uncle Pat Zlogar. Missing in this picture from who was there this weekend is Aunt Cindy Zlogar and Aunt Debbie Hampton (Linda's sister aka Aunt Nanny).

Eric's Aunts, L to R: Susan, Jeannette and Cindy

Grandma having fun with the boys! Don't worry, they're candy cigarettes. L to R, Drew, Grandma, Sterling, Hampton, Jordan and Griffin

Yes, the Zlogars did not want us to forget that they're Yankee fans. L to R: Jordan, Cindy, Kym, Pat and Drew.

Grandma, Great Grandma and Mom with Hampton

We had a wedding Saturday on the beach at The Craigville Beach Club

Hampton in the Nantucket Bassinet that Grandma made for him

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